Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Update

Just wanted to let you all know, because I know you're on pins and needles, Thanksgiving went great! My greatest accomplishment was my shoo fly pie...I haven't had a good one since I was in Pennsylvania. I was SO excited when it came out right! I also did quite a bit of baking...Pannetone, Challah, and Tomato Herb Rolls. The succotash was great, and the salads were tasty tasty. The turkey brine did just what Alton Brown said it would...even the white meat was moist! The only thing that didn't exactly turn out right was the Herb Stuffed Artichokes. The artichokes were great, but the stuffing can be best compared to sand. I guess that's what you get when Weight Watchers tries to turn something sumptuous into something healthy... In all fairness, many of the other recipes were Weight Watchers, and they turned out great. I hope you all enjoyed a feast and a time of Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Shannon said... can come cook for me ANY time! :)